Gray Matter Tactical LLC (GMT) is a stock market research model derived from computer driven technical and fundamental historical stock market patterns. GMT’s goal is to provide specific equity market research services that when implemented in an investment may outperform the S&P 500 for monies allocated to the Growth, Domestic Equity or the S&P 500 portion of a portfolio.
We offer the opportunity for asset allocation and diversification to enhance returns while minimizing risk and expenses. Our Risk-Managed Equity strategies work to outperform the long term buy and hold strategy for client’s monies allocated to the Growth, Domestic Equity or S&P 500 portion of portfolios. We provide daily mathematical analysis to re-allocate the S&P 500 and offer Wealth Management firms options for streamlining business.
The GMT management and consulting team’s experience includes creating and managing independent branch office Broker-Dealers, creating and managing an independent branch office Registered Investment Advisor firm and co-founding and managing a Law firm.
Additionally, the GMT management and consulting team combined experience includes completing the following licenses: Arizona State Bar,Uniform Investment Advisor Law Exam Series 66, General Securities Principal Series 24, General Securities Registered Representative Series 7, State Securities Registered Representative Series 63, Investment Company/Variable Life Contracts Representative Series 6, and Property Casualty Insurance.